How to Climb Google’s Rankings – Using SEO Copywriting

Man Standing on cliff overlooking mountains, blue sky with white clouds, sunrise, hiking

We all want to know just how to get on that first page of Google.

And, I’m going to be honest… we’re going to unpack a lot of information in this article on how to do that.

So, for those of you who like to skip ahead, I see you 👀 and I included this table of contents for you! ✨

💫Table of Contents:

What is SEO?

SEO is an acronym for Search Engine Optimization.

Search Engine Optimization is what allows your website to show up on the first search engine results page (SERP), organically when a user performs a search query, including keywords for which your website is relevant. 

Paid ad results, on the other hand, are what show up at the top but will be distinguished by saying “Sponsored.”

Here’s an example of paid ad results for the keyword “CRM.”

Notice how above they all say “Sponsored.” This means they are not organic.

Here’s an example of some websites that have great SEO pertaining to the keyword “CRM.”

These results show up just below the paid results.

So, utilizing good SEO techniques on your website will move you up in Google rankings when customers search for products or services that you offer.

And having great SEO on your website is important because it will help you to acquire new leads all the time. 

How Can I Enhance My Google Ranking Organically Using SEO Blogs?

Using a keyword strategy in your blogs will allow you to continually rise in Google rankings over time. 

Blogs that are optimized will eventually make your website show up on the first pages of Google when your clients search for something you have to offer.

This becomes easier to accomplish over time as you continually build your website's authority by publishing high-quality content Google will start to be all like –

So, we’ve established that using keywords is an excellent strategy, just be sure you don’t overstuff your content with them and make sure you keep the integrity of the writing intact. Google is smart and will not rate your article as a high-quality source for your topic of choice if the integrity is compromised by the extreme overuse of keywords in an unnatural way. 

With the proper usage, though, Google will be able to understand if your blog post is accurately answering the question addressed, and if the blog is of high quality, your ranking will reflect as such. 

Blog posts are also great because your readers will begin to trust and appreciate you for offering them value consistently before they even purchase anything. 

This is an ethical way to go about marketing since you’re providing genuine value without expecting anything back, first and foremost.

And your customers will recognize, appreciate, and resonate with how genuine and authentic you are. 

NEVER Plagiarize. Even From Yourself. 

You might not think other people will notice if you repurpose a few sentences, you’ve said before, but Google will know.

Not only that, but it will give the authority to whichever post came first, and all your hard work gone into optimizing your blog will be overshadowed by the fact you repurposed content.

Even worse, Google may penalize you and rank you low for it. 

So seriously,

don’t do this one!

Because if Google finds out you have been stealing –

–verbatim words from somewhere else, it’s basically going to say 

“Uh, this website is not relevant.” 

And that’s not what we want.

Use Proper Headings – Title, H1, H2, H3

Using proper heading codes is so important when trying to boost SEO. 

This is because it gives the search engine an idea quickly of what your article is about and the things you’ll be highlighting. 

If you only change the font to be larger and not the actual heading style, you won't receive this optimized advantage, which is what will help you climb in the rankings. 


SEM is the paid version of showing up on the first SERP (Search Engine Results Page). 

I’m also going to show you why you shouldn’t just pay to get on the first search query page of Google. 

Research has shown that 94% of consumers skip past paid ads to organic content – which is where you will show up with an awesome optimized blog post.

Also, if you optimize your website, you’ll be ranking for the keywords anyways, so dumping money into paid ads will just have your website show up twice in the same line of view.

Take Ray-Ban for example,

Notice how for the keyword “Sunglasses,” the brand ‘Ray-Ban” shows up twice in the same line of view.

This is because they are both paying for ads (using SEM) and investing in good SEO practices, which clearly are working well for them.

You can see how their meta-descriptions are different, but they both bring the user to the same website, and both rank for the same highly competitive keyword, “sunglasses.”

How Can I Enhance My Google Ranking Organically Using SEO Website Copy?

If your website copy uses a strategic SEO strategy while maintaining high-quality writing which your visitors will find engaging and relevant to their needs, wants, and desires, you’ve hit the jackpot! 

Google will send little bots to crawl the pages of your website and index them based on things like how relevant it is to certain topics, how high quality it is, and if the length of it is long enough to satisfy a person who performed a search query on the topic. 

Search engines want to make sure that they’re suggesting the most relevant and high-quality information to their users who are searching. 

So they’ll want to make sure your website copy is: 

  • Long enough to answer their questions and give them enough information. 

  • Your website uses keywords so that it can categorize as relative to the user's search query. 

  • That the writing is high quality and engaging to read for the sake of their user's entertainment. 

How Can I Use ALT Text to Boost My Rankings

First, for those of you who don’t know –

ALT text is the invisible text that accompanies an image online.

This is not only extremely essential for visually impaired viewers but aids in boosting SEO. 

This is why when you perform an image search, you will find relevant images that make sense for what you searched for. 

The more general your search, the more options you will get. 

The more specific your search, you’ll begin finding exactly what you’re looking for. 

For example, say I’m looking to find a photo of braided bridal hair with white flowers, I’m looking for something to show my stylist but I just search up:

“white daisy in hair.”

So, some are accurate to what I was looking for, but not quite there yet. None of the options are bridal hairstyles.

Let’s get more specific:

“White daisy in brown braided hair”

Now, these are a lot closer to what I was looking for. But remember, I wanted bridal hair. A lot of these are more casual than that.

So, let’s try one more time with that included.

Now, these are a lot closer to what I was envisioning.

Some of the hair isn’t brown, and not all the flowers are daisies. But these are definitely photos that I could show to a stylist and get what I’m looking for done.

So, I’d still call it a success.

The reason I’m explaining all this is that this would be a great use of marketing for a bridal salon. If they incorporated photos on their website or in articles, they could include ALT text for all these specific elements. 

Then, when a searcher like me finds the image on search, they’ll then click it and end up on the bridal salon website… possibly a blog. 

And, in fact, that’s precisely what this salon below did.

This image in search, will open up to this blog post:

So, the 25 hairstyles that are pictured in this blog are actually also used as website traffic generators.

We could do a similar search for “Pink rosebud headband hairstyle.” Or any of the other styles they included.

The ALT text (image description) will rank them highly in image searches, which will bring us to their website, onto a blog post, and ultimately to a CTA.

I hope you found this article helpful in explaining some things you can do to position your own website on the first search engine results page.

If you’d like to get in touch with me, you can schedule a call using the link below.

Schedule a Call Here

I would be happy to chat more in-depth about things you can do to help your business grow by optimizing your online presence.

 Thanks for Reading!

– Stay Well & Be Kind 🌟


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What is SEO Copywriting?