What is SEO Copywriting?

I’m sure if you clicked on this article, you’re probably wondering what SEO copywriting is.

I think we’ve all heard the buzzword SEO. 

Well, I guess it would technically it would be a buzz acronym… if that’s a thing that people say? 🤷

But nevertheless, we hear it all the time. 

Maybe you know a little bit about SEO but don’t fully understand its purpose, 

Maybe you do but don’t know how to put it into practice to receive the benefits everyone claims it will bring when it’s done correctly,

Or maybe you know nothing about it at all.

Wherever you’re at, 

There will be key takeaways in this article that will have you leaving with at least a bit more understanding than what you came here with! 

At least, that is my hope. 😊

And for those of you who like to jump around the page and get the answers you’re looking for quickly

- I see you 👀,

and this table of contents is for you:

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For those of you who like to dive deep into the information…

I think a good place to get started is from the beginning – with a quick definition.

What is SEO?

SEO is an abbreviated term for “Search Engine Optimization.” 

Search engine optimization is basically just a plethora of different strategies.

The purpose of all of these strategies is to help your website show up organically on the first search engine results page – or SERP. 

Without using paid ads. 

Sounds pretty cool, right? 

When your website and blog posts are optimized, it will help your website to move up in the rankings of search query results.

So, to recap, using an SEO strategy is the organic way of showing up on the first search engine results page (or SERP). 

As opposed to paid ads, which, surprisingly… most people skip past anyways. 🤫

In fact, an astonishing 94% of people skip past the paid ad results and prefer to go straight to organic content. 

And the truth about SEO is that it is always changing, so it is pretty much just everyone’s best guess at any given time. 

This can seem pretty daunting…

But we can be pretty good at guessing when we’re educated on some excellent SEO practices that have always been proven to work in the past. 

Hint: we’ll talk about some of these below.

Since there is a lot we do know about good SEO practices, we can use them to help improve our ranking. 

Our goal is to end up on that first page – where our qualified leads can find us. 🥳

The reason for this is so that when potential customers or clients search for a product or service you have to offer, your website will be the one that pops up

at the top,

front and center. 

What Does SEO Do? Like, How Does It Work? 

Having SEO-optimized website content will allow your page to rank higher on search engines like Google. 

Search engines will send little bots to crawl your page and try to find an understanding of what it’s about. 

And what relevant answers it includes to commonly searched questions. 

The search engine that’s crawling your page also wants to be able to categorize your content as high quality, helpful, and sufficient in length. 

The goal of search engines is to provide their users with the best possible answers to their search queries.

And likely, if your article includes relevant keywords, is longer, and of high-quality writing… 

It can assume that their questions will be answered. 

How Will Having An Optimized Website Help My Business?

Optimizing your website using SEO strategies is important to say the least.

Utilizing SEO strategies on your website will help potential clients find you when they search for the products or services you have to offer.

This is true whether they’re searching on Bing, Google, Yahoo, or any other search engine.

If your website is optimized well – you’ll be showing up on the first SERP under the organic results.

When you show up on that first page – especially organically.

You are waaaaaay more likely to book clients, land sales, and grow your client or customer base.

What Are Some Good SEO Practices? 

Some good SEO Practices You Can Utilize Are:

  • Use keywords in your website copy and blogs but don’t overstuff.

  • Publish high-quality content on a consistent basis.

  • Utilize credible backlinks – when appropriate.

  • Publish blogs that are 1,000+ words in length. 

Use Keywords in Your Website Copy and Blogs – But Don’t Overstuff

Here are some good ways to ensure you are optimizing your page.

Ensure you’re publishing content that is:

  • Authentic

  • Relevant

  • Consistent

Here’s the Golden Nugget: Publish authentic, relevant content consistently. 

You can achieve this through high-quality, keyword-optimized blog posts.

Performing some keyword research is necessary to have great SEO copywritten blogs.

You’ll need to include the keyword as often as possible while maintaining the integrity of the writing. 

You must be careful not to overuse the keyword in a way that is inauthentic in the writing.

As search engines will pick up on these tactics and will choose to show your content less.

Search engines may deem your website irrelevant if the integrity is compromised due to keyword stuffing. 

Publish High-Quality Content Consistently

If you continue to publish high-quality content over time, search engines like Google will establish your website as an authority and be likely to rank you higher. 
Not to mention, if you post on a regular basis, your readers may get excited to hear from you as they know what to expect. 

For example, if you publish articles every Monday, they’ll be able to anticipate your new post.

And every Monday, they’ll check back on your website to see what’s new. 

Backlinks are a great way to boost your website's ranking, so long as the backlinks you’re receiving are on credible websites. 

Having your website link featured on another website that is legitimate is really great for your SEO. 

Alternatively, having your website link featured on other websites that have little to no content on them actually hurts your SEO.

That being said, backlinks can be incredible for boosting SEO so long as you keep in mind it is very much quality over quantity. 

Publish Blogs That Are Over 1,000+ Words in Length

The reason that blogs should be over 1,000 words in length is that search engines want their users to leave feeling satisfied. 

Meaning their questions were answered thoroughly. 

The best way for search engines to ensure a question from a query will be answered thoroughly is to suggest an article that’s long enough to answer all those questions they may have on the subject. 

Why Invest in SEO-Enhanced Copywriting?

SEO-enhanced copywriting is extremely valuable as it not only persuades the readers who are currently on your page to take action–

–But it is also what brings them there in the first place.

Copywriting that's not optimized is still effective in converting leads into customers once they’re already on your website, 

But not necessarily going to be what helps to bring them there. 

Copywriting ensures your customers or potential clients will take action after they’re finished reading. 

If you don’t inspire them to take action, then they may just leave your website, and you’ll miss out on that sale or sign up.

When using good SEO practices, your website will continue to climb up in rankings until you’re on the first search engine results page.

But, since Google prefers longer articles (1,000 - 2,000 words). 

This can be a lot to take on when you’re doing all your writing yourself, and may probably be a section of your workload that might be best to contract out for. 

This way, there will be someone whose primary focus is on producing high-quality content for your website.  

Okay, But How Important is SEO Really? 

In an article published by Honey Book, Lauren Dragon-Cook says she found a whopping 84% of her inquiries in 2017 through Google Search after properly optimizing her website.

I would say that makes it pretty worth it. 

It’s also important and effective because you’d be surprised how many other businesses are not utilizing this to their advantage.

Especially if you are a health coach or you are selling products for health and wellness. 

Many people in this industry… likely your competitors, may overlook the value of optimizing their websites, and blogs.

This will give you the upper hand, so as soon as you begin implementing these efforts… your rankings will climb! 📈

And your efforts will go from looking like this:

To looking like this:

I hope you enjoyed this article ~

If you did, and you’d like to get in touch with me to learn more, fill out the contact form below, and we’ll be in touch!

– Stay Well & Be Kind 💫


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